Compton Acres är en underbart vacker trädgård i Bournemouth i Dorset, södra England. Den skapades av margarinfabrikören Simpson på 1920-talet. Han var både världsberest och växtintresserad, och ville att parken skulle spegla det. Därför finns det ett flertal olika trädgårdar i parken med växter från alla delar av världen. Mest känd är den japanska trädgården och italienska trädgården, men här finns också en ljungträdgård, en vinterträdgård, en sten- och vattenträdgård och mycket mer. Totalt finns det växter från ca 3000 olika arter representerade här.
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Compton Acres is a beautiful garden in Bournemouth, Dorset, southern England. It was created by the margarine entrepreneur Mr Simpson in the 1920s. He was traveling world wide and also interested in horticulture, and wished that the park would reflect that. Therefore, there are several gardens in the park with plants from all parts of the world. Best known is the Japanese garden and the Italian garden, but there is also a Heather garden, a Winter garden, a Rock and water garden and much more. In total there are about 3,000 different species represented here.
Although the garden is located centrally in the city of Bournemoth, and the main building in the middle of the park was replaced by flats, it is a wonderfully peaceful place. When we were here it was in the end of a very long day when we had been up since half past two in the morning, so I did not appreciate it a much as I would. I definitely would love to visit the park again one day when I am a bit clearer in the head, for here is much more to discover!
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Although the garden is located centrally in the city of Bournemoth, and the main building in the middle of the park was replaced by flats, it is a wonderfully peaceful place. When we were here it was in the end of a very long day when we had been up since half past two in the morning, so I did not appreciate it a much as I would. I definitely would love to visit the park again one day when I am a bit clearer in the head, for here is much more to discover!
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Läs mer om Compton Acres på deras hemsida.
Learn more about Compton Acres in their website.
What a beautiful and special place!
SvaraRaderaSå underbara bilder! Har länge tänkt åka till England o se på trädgårdar. Nu fick jag en kick!
SvaraRaderaSå otroligt vackert där verkar vara! Finns alldeles för få liknande ställen här i Sverige tycker jag.
SvaraRaderaHa det gott!
Vilket inspirerande inlägg! Ibland blir jag bra avundsjuk på dem som har hunnit få en uppvuxen trädgård, allra helst om den råkar vara placerad i England :D
Himmel, vilken trädgård!
SvaraRaderaMmmmm! Där kan jag tänka mig att ströva en vecka eller två..... Tror jag ska bli engelsman i mitt nästa liv ;-)
SvaraRaderaHa´t himla gôrgôtt
Blir verkligen avis när jag ser alla dessa fina bilder.