Idag har det varit nästan tio plusgrader och solen har lyckats tränga igenom diset emellanåt. Den otroliga snömängden smälter fort undan - det droppar och rinner överallt. Fåglarna kvittrar smått hysteriskt, och folk går man ur huse för att få njuta av det milda vädret. Jag såg faktiskt några killar med skateboard som väl har längtat länge efter att få en chans att lufta sina brädor.
För att hjälpa solen lite på traven har jag börjat skotta trädgården. Jag tar snö där det är som tjockast och lägger i dammen, för där behövs smältvattnet betydligt mer än i övriga trädgården. Men det är tung snö, så det blir bara lite i taget.
Today, it has been nearly ten degrees above zero and the sun has managed to penetrate the haze at times. The incredible snowfall we had last week is quickly melting away - it drops and pours everywhere. The birds chirping somewhat hysterically, and people goes of their houses to enjoy the mild weather. I actually saw some guys with skateboards as well have longed for a long time to get a chance to use their boards.
To help the sun a little bit, I started shoveling the garden. I take snow where it is thickest and put it in the pond, where the melt water is needed far more than in the rest of the garden. But there is heavy snow, so it becomes just a little at a time.
Today, it has been nearly ten degrees above zero and the sun has managed to penetrate the haze at times. The incredible snowfall we had last week is quickly melting away - it drops and pours everywhere. The birds chirping somewhat hysterically, and people goes of their houses to enjoy the mild weather. I actually saw some guys with skateboards as well have longed for a long time to get a chance to use their boards.
To help the sun a little bit, I started shoveling the garden. I take snow where it is thickest and put it in the pond, where the melt water is needed far more than in the rest of the garden. But there is heavy snow, so it becomes just a little at a time.
Det knoppas överallt också. Se på klätterhortensian - den är redo för att slå ut precis när som helst ser det ut som.
Inte nog med det - idag har jag skolat om mina första sådder. Det är verkligen vår!
There are bulbs everywhere. Look at the hydrangea - it looks like it is ready to burst out just anytime.
Not only that - today I replanted my first sowing. It really is springtime now!
There are bulbs everywhere. Look at the hydrangea - it looks like it is ready to burst out just anytime.
Not only that - today I replanted my first sowing. It really is springtime now!